If you are of a certain age, usually between 25 and 34 years, you probably have attended quite a few weddings. Think back to the ones you enjoyed the most and the ones that weren’t quite as interesting.


The last thing you want for your wedding is for your guest not to enjoy themselves. So you ask yourself the question, “Why are people coming to our wedding” and the answer is, to help you celebrate one of the biggest days and decisions of your life. These people who attend your wedding are saying, we believe in you and your decision to become married and we want to support you in that decision”.

So your guest have a vested interest in you and your marriage. Why not make it personable. Let them know how you met, and the journey you have taken up to this point. It doesn’t have to be a written biography, but think of some fun ways to incorporate yourselves into your wedding. At The French Bee, we really take a deep dive into getting to know our couples so that we can make different suggestions to help achieve this level of personalization. Here are some of our steps we follow:

  1. Talk it out, and brainstorm- We ask questions like, where did you meet, how was the big question asked, what vacations have you taken together, what things do you like to do together, what foods do you both like, and whatever other questions come up and we write all this down in a bubble pattern all over an entire sheet of paper.


2. The next question we ask, is for our couple to write down 10 things that they loved in the past weddings they attended and 10 things they did not like. Those answers will guide us towards what to and not to suggest.

3. After all these questions are answered, usually some great ideas will float to the top, for example, let’s say that they both love Spain and they have vacationed there several times. Why not have a Spanish influenced menu and possibly instead of using table numbers, calling the tables different places in Spain. Or maybe both people like to cook! There are so many ideas to run with in that area. Dont be afraid to think outside the box.

4. Remember it is still a wedding and we do not want to make it all about cooking or Spain or whatever ideas you may come up with. We don’t want to make it feel hokey or campy. So just make subtle touches. And you do not have to make all about one item, it can be many little touches all about you and your fiancée.

5. Implementing your ideas. Make sure and give yourself plenty of time to get all these different items made. The last thing you want to do, is to be scurrying about the week of your wedding trying to finish up all these projects. At the French Bee we require all these type of things be in our hands two weeks prior to the event.

The big take aways you should get from this blog are: Make it Personable, think outside the box, and have all task finished at least two weeks before your wedding.