You have always heard that the devil is in the details. I think that really applies for weddings. Your wedding guest are giving you the biggest compliment by attending your wedding. With their attendance they are saying that they value you and believe in your decision to marrying the person of your dreams. There are ways to show your appreciation in little gestures that will add to your guests comfort.
Wedding guest at an outside wedding
Here in New Bern, North Carolina, we do a lot of outside weddings, so lets start talking about those first. I love outside weddings but they do add a few more stressors than the inside ones do. Here are some ways to be kind to your guest during an outside wedding.
Be aware which direction your guest are facing during your ceremony, it is never fun to have the sun glaring in your face. If sun can not be avoided, maybe offer them sunglasses
Consider offering some cool refreshments as your guest enter your ceremony, make sure there are some servers, or serving treys around for your guest to place their glass when they are finished.
If it going to be terribly hot, think about having your programs printed on a fan, that they can fan theirselves during the wedding
Before the wedding make sure it is an insect free zone, mosquitos and fire ants are not welcome. Have a company spray to make sure insects are not a problem.
outside wedding reception
sunglasses for a wedding
Outdoor receptions are beautiful as well as the ceremony. For myself personally, I feel better when a tent is involved. My nerves are not tough enough to be absolutely sure that is not going to rain. If you choose to go sans tent, be sure you have a rain plan. You can imagine how comfortable your guest will be in a down pour with no shelter. Some ideas to consider whether your reception is indoors or out are below.
One thing to consider is how long your after ceremony photos take. It is never a great idea to be mia when your guest are waiting to see you. Obviously you need to have the photos, but try to make them as quick as possilble
Try to make an effort to speak to each of your guest. They have spent money and made an effort to come and support you, you should thank them.
I understand that is important that you get to spend some private time with your new spouse, but I have had couples arrange for private dinners while their guest eat in another room. Personally, I can’t imagine how that makes a guest feel.
A table with escort cards are always a nice touch, that way the guest know that they have a place. You dont have to have place cards at each place unless you have meal choices.
escort card display
some people like to offer flip flops so people can be more comfortable when they dance
Baskets of Flip Flops for dancing
One of the best ideas that I have seen lately are heel protectors for women’s high heel shoes, not only do they protect the heels from grass stains, they give the heel a wider stance so that the heel doesn’t sink in the grass
Heel protectors offered at a wedding
Your guest will appreciate your thoughtfullness
So as you can see, you don’t have to go over the top with these little gestures. Just think of the little things that apply to your wedding and your guest. Of Course The French Bee will be glad to help in anyway possible, all you have to do is contact us. Best of Luck with your wedding