Recently I have been asked the question “Why do I need a Wedding Planner if I have a Venue Manager?”. There is a big difference, although Venue Managers are absolutely necessary, they have a very different job than a wedding planner.
The Venue manager is just what it sounds like, they make sure everything at the venue and the things the venue is responsible for, go well. The are in charge of making sure the venue is clean, the air or heat is on, if it is in house catering, that the food and bar are going smoothly and so on. They are someone hired by the venue itself, not hand chosen by you. Also you may not end up with the same venue manager that you started out with, due to high turnover rates.
A venue manager will usually get in touch with you about a month out to see who your vendors are, (they may have given you a preferred vendor list when you signed your contract) They also will want you to provide all the different times that your different vendors will be on site and what time they will be breaking down. They will probably need a break down of what is planned for decor as well. Then they will be hand when you are in the venue to make sure the rules that you both signed on the venue contract are upheld.
A Wedding planner will make sure all of the above task are done for you.
Beautiful wedding tent
A wedding planner is with you throughout your day to help you with bustling your gown to making sure the band plays the right songs
Responsibilities of a wedding planner vs a venue manager
Venue Manger Wedding Planner
Help with Dates, Venues, No Yes
and lodging
Help with guest list, seating No Yes
Make sure venue is open and Yes No
and ready for event
Have a layout and design No yes
prepared for you
Help design and order No Yes
Help select and contact No Yes
all the different vendors you
will need
Make sure food is prepared Yes No(sometimes)
Make sure photographer gets No Yes
all the correct shots
Sets up Table and chairs Yes No
Makes sure all venue staff Yes No
is on task
Makes sure all fire and building yes No
codes are met
Runs your rehearsal and your No Yes
Stays within ear distance No Yes
to make sure your every
need is attended to
Keeps you educated No Yes
on where your budget is
Combs through all vendor No yes
contracts to make sure
everything is on point
Creates an extremely de- No Yes
tailed timeline so that every
single person is on the same page
God forbid if something goes wrong Yes Yes
comes up with a plan and make sure
it is fixed as well as possible
Make a transportations schedule No Yes
Having both is the key to a stress-free and successful wedding that everyone enjoys! Want to know more about our wedding planning services and how we can help you have an amazing day? Contact us