My husband always leaves me anything out of the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times any articles relating to the wedding industry. This morning in the Wall Street Journal that said “Big weddings are back, and nuptial boom of 2022 means couples and their families are facing big bills for celebrations. Their guest will have to pay too.”

pictures of newspapers

The Article goes on to say that there are 2.5 million estimated weddings to take place in the US in 2022. Wow! It goes onto say that in 2021 the average number of guest at a wedding was 105 people, in 2022 the average looks to be 129 guest is the average. These guest will be spending more than last year to attend weddings as well. 2021 found guest paying about $660 to attend a wedding by car, if they have to fly it was more like $1270.00. It said we should see a 10% increase this year in those prices.

Multiple couples being married

So I am not suggesting sharing your wedding with other couples to save money. I do however have some suggestions.

  • Consider having your wedding on a weekday—This may help with costs and availability. With so many couples planning their weddings, weekends during high season demand a high ticket price and available vendors are very difficult to find. Many venues offer weekday discounts and if you don’t see if listed, you should always ask.

  • Also consider planning your wedding during months that are not considered high season. Those months depending on your location but usually are January, February, early march,

  • Make sure and send Save The Dates at least six months in advance. Now guest may have to spend more to attend your wedding, they will need more time to plan.

  • Consider making your wedding a vacation for your guest. Maybe rent a large home or several homes on the beach for a week and while you are there, have your wedding. With so many people working remotely now, that sort of thing works better than it used to.

  • Be willing to think outside the box. Try to think of ways to save money. Maybe do not pick the wedding venue that has the steep rental fee, Try to find a location such as an antique barn or if someone has a lovely yard. You must be willing to do a lot of work, because you will have to create y0our won wedding venue.

  • We are currently working on weddings in 2023. I dont know if this a good thing or not to save money. It is a throw of the dice if you think prices(or inflation) are going to fall or rise

  • Last but not least, if you need to have that weekend wedding during high season, just be prepared for the increased prices.